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What is ASB?

The Associated Student Body of Roy Cloud School

ASB stands for Associated Student Body and consists of a group of students that represent the entire student body of Roy Cloud School. ASB is responsible for providing student activities and being the voice of Roy Cloud students to staff, school district, and community. The main objective of ASB is to make students feel connected to school and each other through involvement in ASB organized activities.

ASB members are leaders; they are honest, trustworthy, responsible, reliable, willing to work hard, humble, respect both adults and fellow students, and have school pride. Students who apply to be part of the ASB Senate are enrolled in the Leadership elective during 6th period. Students who are chosen to be class representatives and part of the Assembly meet once a month and act as a link between the classrooms and the ASB Senate. To find out about ASB’s roles and functions, getting into ASB, or getting involved at Roy Cloud School, ask someone who is in ASB or Ms. Rivoli and Mrs. Ortez.

The ASB Senate and Assembly, or student government, serve Roy Cloud School by voicing and addressing student opinions and needs, upholding the Roy Cloud School ASB Constitution, overseeing the expenditures of student funds, raising funds, supporting and recognizing campus clubs and organizations, and sponsoring many school-wide programs, activities, and events. 

The primary goals of ASB are to create a memorable experience for all students on campus, to promote Cloud unity and spirit, and to grow as student leaders. ASB actively works to ensure that student activities and campus life are alive and well. ASB is constantly making contributions to the community, school, and their fellow students. 

What does ASB do?

ASB is the principal student government body on campus headed by four officers: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer who govern the entire student body. The leadership class consists of the ASB officers, commissioners, and senators.

Host School Events

Roy Cloud’s dances, rallies, and school activities are organized by ASB. The purpose of these events is to unify the school, raise school spirit, and provide a break from academics. 


ASB comes up with unique, creative, and innovative ways for publicizing. ASB makes a mass production of bright informational posters, regarding new events. They are also in charge of updating the student bulletin during morning announcements.


ASB is able to put on all of these events through fundraising.

Hold Business Meetings 

ASB holds business meetings to discuss and vote on various issues by communicating and contributing ideas. During meetings, ASB makes business decisions like approving expenditures to ensure no conflicts arise in upcoming activities such as dances, fundraisers, lunchtime activites, and rallies. 


Last Modified on January 23, 2018