September 20, 2021 Minutes
School Site Council Meeting Notes
September 20, 2021, 3:00 p.m. - Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Team Members Present
Kristy Jackson
Celeste May (K-2)
Linda Kiefer (3-5)
Anna Rivoli (6-8)
Gina Krigbaum
Mary-Elizabeth Robinson
Roger Detloff
Elena Levina
Christina Andiazabal
Classified personnel
Anna Solorio
Debbie Stevenson
1. Opening
1.1. Welcome and Roll Call
1.2. Norms
1.3. Public Comment
■ Disability Awareness Week (Elena)
● Will be in mid-October
● Looking into options that don’t put extra weight on teachers, possibly
leveraging Ms. Lera
● Kindless Club may be able to help organize some activities within
their clubs or for the school at large
● Also ASB (lead by Ms. Huelman) might be able to do some teaching
in the lower grades
2. Information
2.1. Council Purpose
2.2. 2.1 Review District Uniform Complaint Procedure (UPC)
■ No questions about this from the SSC
2.3. 2.2 LCAP/LEA/SPSA Goals
■ The three LCAP goals will stay the same (set at the district level) but the
SPSA goals will likely change. The SPSA goals are being written for us, but
we’ll be able to edit them
■ The district is gathering a lot of data about our school performance over the
last year that they will put into the SPSA
■ We will go into the SPSA in detail in the next month or two
■ Submission to the board is in November, so we must review as SSC before
■ Ask for SSC: please review these in as you receive them so that you’re ready
to discuss at upcoming SSC.
2.4. English Learners (Kristy)
■ Have tried over the past few years to build EL Advisory Committees but only
a few parents showed up. While parents have showed up, no one is
interested in being an officer on the EL Advisory Council
■ As such, SSC can represent the ELAC. It will be on the agenda for each SSC
and Kristy will give updates
■ We have a similar number of EL students at our school (~30). The district has
done initial tests, mostly for kindergarten students. Anyone who indicates that
they speak another language at home gets a test.
■ We have 5 students who will be reclassified (tested with enough English
proficiency to not need to continue testing)
■ Family Engagement Committee is being put together for parents and
students who are ELs
■ Are we hitting our LCAP goal of moving ahead one level each year?
Generally yes, however there is intersectionality with disabilities that may be
impacting these results
■ What about reclassification within 5 years? Generally happens but the same
issues exist as above with disabilities. If we believe it’s not a language issue
and is a learning issue, we can talk to the combined support team to
determine if they should be reclassified.
3. Action
3.1. Election of officers
■ Mary-Elizabeth has one more year as chair
■ Christine volunteers again for vice-chair
■ Gina volunteers again as secretary
■ Motion by Mary-Elizabeth, seconded by Roger, unanimously passed
3.2. Calendar of meetings
■ Meetings are 10/18, 11/15, 1/24/2022, 2/28, 3/21, 4/11, 5/16
4. Adjournment-next meeting 10/18