September 19, 2022 SSC Minutes
School Site Council Meeting Notes
Purpose: Bylaws of the Roy Cloud School Site Council
September 19, 2022 - 3:00 p.m. - Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Zoom Meeting Link:
Team Members Present
Melissa Bowdoin - Principal
Kristy Jackson - Assistant Principal
Mary Robinson - Parent
Lisa Webb - Parent
Roger Dettloff - Parent
Mark Peldius - Parent
Jill Downing - Parent
Annette Bacab - Classified Staff
Anna Rivoli - MS Teacher
Steffanie Pappalardo - K-5 RSP Teacher
The agenda for Monday's meeting:
1. Opening
1.0 - Principal Melissa Bowdoin welcomed the council members and the public to this school year’s first School Site Council meeting. The agenda for the day was shared and reviewed. Each member and meeting attendee introduced themselves and their role in the school community.
1.1 - Norms - These are the SSC norms that were used during the 21/22 School Year:
Respect commitment to the role: attend all meetings, arrive on time and be prepared.
Remain on topic, and be mindful of speaking time.
Assume positive intent and maintain a positive tone.
Share openly and honestly.
Demonstrate mutual respect and listening
Bring multiple perspectives.
1.2 - Public Comment: No public comments.
2. Information
2.0 Review of Council Purpose - make sure all voices are heard and represented, decide how to spend the funding, and follow the bylaws to ensure that we are following the rules and regulations of the council. The RCSD school district sends each school the topics that need to be addressed and discussed each month. We will be reviewing and approving the SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement) and looking at school data to make decisions on programs, services, and strategies. We will approve funds that will be allocated through Measure U. We will report the status of our English Learners and their progress.
Bylaws are shared on the school website. Directions were provided for the way to access the Roy Cloud School Site Council pages and information. Bylaws were reviewed with the committee. We are recruiting for one more educator to join the SSC and hope that we will have that member by next year’s meeting.
Measure U - The approved 2022-2023 template and allocation were shared with the committee. We will be receiving a carryover of funds that were not used from the previous year in October/November. At that time we will decide on the allocation of those funds. There were some questions about the programs that were funded and the status of those programs for this school year. Melissa shared the status of those programs and committees.
2.1 - The location of the Uniform Complaint Procedure on the school website was shared with the committee and the sections and processes were reviewed with the committee.
2.2 LCAP/LEA/SPSA Goals - SPSA - This plan is created by the school district - they give us our goals - they come from the LCAP - Local Control Accountability Plan - we look out how that plan applies to our school. We look at student data and information to decide how well we have met those goals and assess which programs or services will best support students to achieve these goals. Melissa reviewed the goals and different sections of our SPSA.
2.3 English Learners - Roy Cloud administrators reviewed with district staff our students who are classified as English Learners and discussed students who are new to Roy Cloud (3 students) and will be taking the Initial ELPAC assessment. We have about 25 ELs overall with many students who we plan to reclassify as English Proficient this year. Roy Cloud does not have an ELAC committee due to our low number of ELs and lack of parent interest in a committee, so we will report out information and progress of our English Learners at each School Site Council meeting.
Action Items:
3. Action
3.0 - Election of Officers - The bylaws state each of the officer positions and what they entail. The council will review the position responsibilities and notify Melissa if they are interested by Monday, October 10. We will vote on members for these positions during our October SSC meeting.
3.1 - Calendar of Meetings - All meetings begin at 3:00 p.m.
October 17, 2022
November 14, 2022
December 12, 2022
January 23, 2023
February 27, 2023
March 20, 2023
April 17, 2023
May 15, 2023
The council has decided that they would prefer to do the remainder of the SSC meetings in person. For the month of October, we will begin meeting in the Roy Cloud library.
Follow-Up Needed:
If the community requests a virtual option to attend SSC meetings, we will consider providing access to the meetings virtually.
Questions? N/A
Meeting Adjourned: 4:00 p.m.