April 11, 2022 Minutes
School Site Council Meeting Notes
April 11, 2021, 3:00 p.m. - Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Team Members Present
Kristy Jackson
Linda Kiefer (3-5)
Anna Rivoli (6-8)
Gina Krigbaum
Mary-Elizabeth Robinson
Roger Detloff
Elena Levina
Classified personnel
Sylvia Villareal Cooper
Alex Dendy
1. Opening
1.1. Welcome and Roll Call
1.2. Norms
1.3. Public Comment
2. Information
2.1. English Learners (1 min.)
■ Speaking testing has happened, writing and reading will happen next.
Parents of students who are reclassified will be notified later this year
2.2. Ready Data and alignment SPSA/Actions and Services (15 min.)
■ We do iReady 3x/year (fall, winter, spring).
■ In Reading: 66% of K3-8 students are performing at grade level, 20% are
one grade level below, 14% are 2 or more grade levels below
■ In Math: 65% of K3-8 students are performing at grade level, 24% are one
grade level below, 11% are 2 or more grade levels below
■ K-2 will do iReady later this year and we will be able to review that data
2.3. Budget update (5 min.)
■ Projected allocation for 2022-23 school year is in. Ours is $155,000.
■ We have some carryover from this year that we will move into next year
as well, due to some carryover from last year and places where we were
not able to use the money. It will be around $60k.
■ For our application for how we plan to use Measure U funds, we can only
include things that will add up to the $155k. We cannot show things (e.g.
staff positions) that we would like to fund from the carryover.
■ The cost for the STEAM TOSA, MTSS TOSA and Reading Specialist are
more than the $155k that we’re allowed to put on our application. Kristy
will follow up with the district to see what our options are here.
■ Next month we’ll need to review and vote on the SPSA application so that
it can be submitted by the end of May
2.4. Committee Updates (5 min.)
■ Neurodiversity session for parents with Sam from Changing Perspectives
happened last week. Sam is presenting this week to students.
2.5. Elections for 2022-23
■ We should be looking to gather interest from parents of younger student
about joining the school site council. Maybe have a table at Family Fest.
Would be good to have a few ‘seasoned’ parents to support the new
principal and any new parents joining
3. Action
4. Adjournment - Next meeting 5/16, 3:00pm