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January 23, 2022 Minutes

School Site Council Meeting Notes

Purpose: Bylaws of the Roy Cloud School Site Council

January 23, 2023 - Meeting Location:  Roy Cloud Library

Team Members Present

Melissa Bowdoin - Principal

Kristy Jackson - Assistant Principal

Roger Detloff - Parent

Lisa Webb - Parent

Mark Peldius - Parent

Jill Downing - Parent

Steffani Lera - Classified Staff

Anna Rivoli - MS Teacher

Stefanie Pappalardo - K-3 Teacher

Linda Kiefer - 3-5 Teacher



The agenda for Monday's meeting: 

1. Opening 

1.0 Welcome and Roll Call

1.1  Norms - Melissa  reviewed the norms. 

1.2 Public Comment


2. Information

2.0 Measure U Addendum

2.1 Safety Plan

2.2 English Learners

2.3 School Programs/School Events Updates


3. Action


4. Adjournment


  1. Opening - Melissa reviewed the norms.  Team member attendance was taken. 

  2. Information - Melissa shared that at the previous PTO meeting, the library grant that Steffani Lera had asked for new books was granted. 

  3. Action - Melissa asked if we could review the safety plans.  One is for internal use and another is for public use such as emergency services and media.  

The District has a plan for student care, which is similar to the Big Five plan for emergencies.  This is noted in the Roy Cloud Staff Handbook.  In addition to the Big Five, there is emotional support such as suicide prevention. 

Melissa shared that Roy Cloud has done drills, which is done in accordance with the District.  Roy Cloud does monthly drills, which rotate through fire, lockdown, shelter in place and earthquake drills.  The current plan shows monthly fire drills.  Melissa will follow up with the District if the current drills are sufficient in accordance with the plan.  She will add times and locations to the Comprehensive School Safety Plan.

Anna asked about the barricades expectations.  Melissa said that the plan should not have any staff doing any activities that may cause potential injury during a drill.  

This comprehensive plan is for internal use, not for parents.  Melissa will update the contact information for people who currently don’t have their cell information listed.  She will get more information about a staff evacuation plan.  

The current plan does not include a School Resource Officer.  Melissa said we call the Law Enforcement number noted on the Key Emergency Numbers.  We also have a direct line to Station 12 Fire Department that is right next to the school on Jefferson.  

On the Critical Site Information page, the information is limited due to a character restriction in the form.  There is not much information noted due to this reason. Melissa will check in with the District about what else needs to be done on this page.  

Anna noted that parents should be notified that in the event of an emergency, they will be required to produce ID to pick up their child.  Melissa will put this information into an upcoming Roy Cloud parent communication.  

Before the school year started, the Dad’s Club reviewed the emergency supplies and Charlene Vandermartin reviewed the Go Bags.  All supplies are up to date.  

The Off Site Location #1 is the PCC - Peninsula Community Center at 3623 Jefferson.  Melissa will review the Off Site Location #2 because it is not clear where this is.  She will also look into the Wildfire Evacuation Location which currently is noted to be not applicable.  

A discussion about where a helicopter could land ensued.  The Council agreed that it would need to be on the blacktop between the play structure and basketball court.   During the next fire drill, Melissa will confirm that this is a good location per the fire department’s recommendation. 

For a designated media zone, the Council decided to have it be at the bottom of Red Oak and Glennon.  

Melissa will fill in all of the information, share it with the Council and then there will be a virtual vote.  

The carry over from last year was $98,490 and we have the additional amount of $155,424 to determine where to allocate. 

We already have $63,000 allocated to Tier 1 support, STEAM TOSA, which is paid by ½ from SSC funds and the rest from PTO.  We have an additional amount allocated to the Reading & Math Intervention Teacher, Mrs. Hinojosa.  

We had $5,000 allocated for release time for teachers for planning.  $2,000 for on-line resources for math and ELA.  $3,000 allocated for DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) lessons.  The amounts for school scholarships and student field trips have been increased $35,000 which assists with bus transportation and increases the level of safety.  Scholarships for overnight trips such as Outdoor Education allow all students to participate.  

Melissa said we don’t have very much current technology needs at this time.  However, the middle school students do need additional Chromebook chargers in the classroom to support their access to Chromebooks during the school day.  This would cost about $3,000.  

The National Urban Alliance (NUA) coaching is designed to enhance core curricular subjects with Tier 1 universal strategies as well as Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and equity in student voice.   We have had trainers and coaches working with grade levels 3-5 this year.  Linda Kiefer shared that the NUA strategies have been helpful for all of the students, from the struggling students to the highly capable.  She said the students have enjoyed it and the teachers really like it.  Robert Price, the trainer, has been excellent.  The cost is $29,000 and we would need to allocate some of the carry over for this cost. 

Melissa shared that we have started a Safe School Ambassador program.  This supports student leadership in addressing inequities or inappropriate behaviors in the classroom or playground.  The program helps students see the larger community of the school and how individual behaviors and attitudes can create a difference in the school and peer relationships.  

Anna Rivoli shared that the training was helpful for promoting student voice.  It helps students find the positives in their day.  It also helps students to be empowered to make better choices.  The current Ambassadors are a diverse group of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.  Overall, there are 6 teachers and 36 students who are participating in the program. 

A discussion ensued about the fact that there won’t be enough funds for everything. Different programs were mentioned to support students, such as Freckle.  Music is covered by the PTO.  Currently music will go until April as that is what is budgeted for at this time.  

A discussion about Dooley coaching type of support coming in to support behavior choices.  The RCSD did not continue funding for these services.  

Measure S funds go towards facility updates.  Measure U is a five year program.

Kristy reported about our ELPAC testing.  The testing window is coming up.  Kristy and Melissa are working on seeing if there is interest in creating an ELAC committee.  Currently, our English Language students are performing below their peers.  

4.  Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 4:07 pm. The next meeting is on Feb 27, 2023.

Follow-Up Needed:  

Melissa will follow up with the District if the current drills are sufficient in accordance with the plan.  She will add times and locations to the Comprehensive School Safety Plan.

Melissa will update the contact information for people who currently don’t have their cell information listed.  She will get more information about a staff evacuation plan.  

Melissa will check in with the District about what else needs to be done on the Critical Site Information page.  

Melissa will put information about parents needing ID to pick up their child in an emergency into an upcoming Roy Cloud parent communication.  

Melissa will review the Off Site Location #2 because it is not clear where this is.  She will also look into the Wildfire Evacuation Location which currently is noted to be not applicable.  

Melissa will confirm that the blacktop  is a good location per the fire department’s recommendation at the next fire drill. 

Melissa will fill in all of the information on the Comprehensive School Safety Plan and  share it with the Council for a virtual vote to finalize the plan.  

Melissa and Kristy are determining if there is parent interest in creating an ELAC committee.